Thursday, March 24, 2011

Computer Saftey 101

Computer prices have steadily gone down through the years. What was once an expensive luxury item is now a mandatory appliance around the house? Modern day households would have a computer for each person in the family and a couple of extra ones for the guests. Some of the newer generation kids begin to pick up a computer even before they start the first grade.

And every time a new computer is acquired by the household, the family geek has to set it up for first time use for the future user. They tune up the computer and remove the unnecessary pre-loaded software as to optimize the computer for future use. They customize settings and change all the little things as to make sure the end user will get the best possible experience.

But consider the scenario in which there is no one in the house that is particularly technologically literate. The best case scenario would be to actually pay someone else to remove the pre-loaded programs and install the needed software. The worst case scenario would be to have a computer that is unprotected against the dangers of the Internet and have a traumatizing experience when dealing with computers. Here are a few things to remember when setting up a new machine for the first time.

First, it is highly ideal to put a user name and password, regardless of which operating system the end user will use. After all, people should not just protect their computer against online predators but they should also protect it against real-life criminals and thieves. Their data might be compromised and their personal files stolen if the computer gets stolen. Don't choose a short password with no alphanumeric and special characters - and the word 'password' is about as unsecure a password there ever will be.

Second, the user should determine if he/she will use the preloaded antivirus software that is usually bundled with the computer maker. Most of these come with good intentions; however it is almost always sure to be a trial version. After the trial version has expired, the antivirus program will not function and not get updates from the Internet. It's almost as if it was never there. If the user will use the preloaded antivirus software, then he/she should buy the needed software from the manufacturer. If not, one should remove it using the default uninstaller of the operating system that came with the computer, or one could also use a removal tool that is unique to each kind of antivirus. Then it is imperative to install a new antivirus program to maintain that level of protection from the Internet. Third, the user should invest in a firewall, either software or hardware. The user can call the Internet service provider for details on how to get a router that can block incoming and outgoing attacks. If not, the user could invest in a free or paid firewall. Some antivirus programs offer a combo deal which can be cost-effective.

To summarize, choose a decent password, determine if the default antivirus program will be used, and invest in a firewall.

Computer Errors

If you happen to this article, it is because you are one of the many people who have become fed up with slow progress rates and slow computer performance. Take a moment to read about why your computer is treating you this way and what you could do to slow computer problems. It never hurts to know a bit about what is going on in your laptop or desktop PC.
Some common ailments that may have you computer running at low speed
Errors Uninstaller - At some point, you may have intentionally or inadvertently removed a portion of a computer program. Usually this is no problem, but sometimes the functionality of the machine to scan and you can an error message like:

  • "The application is protected and you can not remove"

  • "The program can not be found"

  • Because some Window's programs were never meant to be removed, if indeed they removed a corruption may occur causing your computer compromised.
    Runtime errors - This message typically appear as text boxes that a certain code with the definition contained. Most users report that their computer is noticeably slower right before a runtime error occurs. Problems with memory and viruses are two common causes of runtime errors.
    DLL errors - also known as Dynamic Link Library file error, these orphans are complications with the inclusion of sites for remote code execution through the Windows operating system. Because thousands of these DLLs are typically used on a PC, there's a good chance you a DLL error message at some point.
    Examples include:

  • "Missing or corrupt Hal.dll"

  • "Invalid Page Fault in module Kernel32.dll"

  • "Unknown Hard Error Ntdll.dll"

  • They can be such a problem that some PC users have experienced what is called DLL Hell has become. This is when a large number of these errors on the computer and as a result, even the simplest tasks carefully. As the name suggests, DLL Hell, even a single error to be avoided at all costs.
    Time to Get your Fix?
    As one of the above seems all too familiar experience or you're just generally slow and sluggish computer behavior, you need a repair windows error repair software site that offers advice.
    Current versions of this technology will actually work for three kinds of errors, as well as many others that have been proven to cause your computer slow.
    The reality of Slow Windows computers
    The unfortunate truth is that the perfect home away from error-free/stress-free computer production. Until then, computer users around the world rely on the fix-it solutions offered by online providers repair. Window Pros have essentially together, pooled their knowledge and then wrote software for the PC troubled population.
    At the very least, the great demand for such technology forced them to repair providers compete for customers through the best product they can at a minimal cost.